PT. Manabu Indonesia
24 Hrs Maintenance Services
About PT. Manabu Indonesia
PT Manabu Indonesia was established in October 27, 2002 by our Founder, Mr. Tsutomo Izosaki and our Co. Founder, Ms. Imelda Suryahadi.
At the first and for so long, we observed that almost all of the Japanese company which was operate in Indonesia was the small-medium level company in production volume. It is very often for those companies bought the second-hand machineries but with the good quality. Because of the scales and the volume of the production of that machineries, we know for sure that many of them need maintenance treatments for their machineries periodically. When troubles was happen with their machineries, it was very rare the problem solving they took was bought the new machines, even if the problem was face by the big companies, the common solutions are they will always repair and do maintenance.
These are the opportunities for us to give our best service and skill to repair and maintain the problem of those machines so that the companies can keep on continue the production and operational activities.
The dreams of our founders are:
- We can become the number one of the high technology machines repair company in Indonesia, that can give support of the machines repair and maintenance, especially for the Japanese companies in Automotive and Metal Industries as our clients, so that our clients will no longer have big loss because of the shut down and trouble machines.
- We can keep up and keep on doing the business with the times by equiping & developing our human resources, improving tools and technology that suite with the safety first rules, excellence, innovative & best service.
- We will always be ready for the needs of our customers and will always be available for our loyal customers with attendance and our best in: customer service & support, working process, quality and price.
- We will always become the best of the second home for our talented, competent and skillful employees.
- We can active involve in advancing the community to entering Industry Revolution 4.0 & 5.0.
- We can contribute for the regional & Indonesia economic growth, and impacting our society.
We are a Japanese company (PMA) that has core business in installation, maintenance and repair for manufacturing machineries. Our services including installation for manufacturing company’s production machineries, repairing, remodeling, machinery layout checking, in house moving, maintenance as well as training; we can cover production machineries in various sizes from small to large size.
We are proven able to handle and repair all of the machinery brands from many countries in the world. We are also a provider for many component/part machines in large quantities e.g. packing, seal, valve, bearing and any of electric tools, etc.
Our company has 24/7 operation service and open for the whole year. We are available for machineries problem consultation by direct contact, telephone, WA, LINE and email. Thus just call us and we will handle your machineries problem immediately.
Machinery Check by Case (Visual Check) | Machinery Check Total (Tenken) | Maintenance Pond | Maintenance Press
Manufacturing: Construction & Welding | Service Overhaul | One Stop Electrical Machine System
Reparation & Maintenance: Mechanical Press Machine, Air System, Hydraulic Machine & Air System | Welding Inspector | Moving
Vision, Mission & Value
Our Vision
Menjadi perusahaan yang mengutamakan K3, keunggulan, inovatif dan menjadi yang terbaik dalam jasa pabrikasi, perbaikan dan perawatan mesin industri otomotif dan metal di Indonesia
Our Mission
- Transformasi manajemen, produk dan jasa unggul.
- Kepuasan pelanggan berkelanjutan dan berkesinambungan.
- SDM, K3 dan sarana pendukung unggul.
- Mengembangkan semangat dan keterampilan entrepreneurship SDM dan perusahaan bagi komunitas secara lokal dan nasional.
- Integritas.
- Kerja sama tim.
- Kerja keras, kerja cerdas, kerja ikhlas dan kerja tuntas.
- Kreatif, inovatif, mandiri dan kompetitif
- Update & upgrade.
Core Belief
“Kami, insan PT Manabu Indonesia, dengan ini meyakini bahwa:
Demi mewujudkan visi PT Manabu Indonesia, kami harus bahu membahu dan membangun diri kami agar:
Memiliki integritas yang kuat, mampu bekerja sama dengan baik sebagai sebuah tim,
bekerja dengan keras, cerdas, ikhlas dan tuntas, dan kreatif, diiringi dengan semangat yang selalu
inovatif, mandiri dan kompetitif, serta selalu mengupdate dan mengupgrade diri kami setiap saat.
Oleh pertolongan TUHAN dan kerja sama yang baik, kami yakin bahwa:
Article of Association : Notarial Deed No.31
Dated June 08th, 2001 of Drajat Darmadji, Sh
NPWP : 02.058.930-056.000
SK Kehakiman : C-21864 HT.01.01.TH.2002